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Seminar on "A Science Diplomacy Approach for Belgium?!" (1 December 2016)

Panel on A Science Diplomacy Strategy for Belgium

Florence Balthasar (SwissCore), Véronique Halloin (FNRS), Pascale Delcomminette (WBI-AWEX), Claire Tillekaerts (FIT), Ernesto Fernandez Polcuch (UNESCO), Mark Vink (FPS Foreign Affairs)


Presented at EL-CSID Second Dissemination Conference, Brussels, 1 December 2016.

European Leadership in Cultural, Science and Innovation Diplomacy (EL-CSID)

Luk Van Langenhove (Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel)


Presented at EL-CSID Second Dissemination Conference, Brussels, 1 December 2016.

Science Diplomacy

Guillermo Orts-Gil (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología-FECYT)


Presented at EL-CSID Second Dissemination Conference, Brussels, 1 December 2016.

The SESAME Project

Zehra Sayers (Sabanci University)


Presented at EL-CSID Second Dissemination Conference, Brussels, 1 December 2016.

Science Diplomacy: A Brief Excursion into Basic Concepts and Key Issues

Pierre-Bruno Ruffini (University of Le Havre)


Presented at EL-CSID Second Dissemination Conference, Brussels, 1 December 2016.

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